NEW TRAINING AVAILABLE: Peer-Support Facilitation Training


Addressing Racial Disparities in Mental Health: Canadian Women of Colour Leadership Network Introduces Equitable Peer-Support Facilitation Training

Ottawa, October 19th, 2023 – Mental health has long been a domain where racialized communities have been left behind, with a notable absence of diversity training for mental health professionals across most Canadian provinces and territories. The prevailing Eurocentric approach to mental health services has often deterred individuals from seeking the support they need. For Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and/or African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) individuals, it is essential to feel heard, understood, and respected in their healing journey.

Recognizing the pressing need for change, the Canadian Women of Colour Leadership Network (CWCLN) has taken a pioneering step. Drawing on their expertise as educators, peer support facilitators, and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) consultants, CWCLN has developed an innovative training program. This program aims to fill the gaps in existing models by addressing the unique needs of BIPOC and ACB communities, grounding itself in EDI principles and lived experiences.

The CWCLN training equips participants with the knowledge and skills to foster an inclusive and supportive environment for BIPOC and ACB communities seeking mental health support. While the training primarily caters to those within traditionally marginalized communities, it also includes exercises designed to educate and create compassion among all Canadians, regardless of their background. The goal is to reduce unintentional harm and promote inclusivity by uncovering and addressing personal implicit biases that may manifest as micro and macro aggressions.

The Canadian Women of Colour Leadership Network encourages individuals interested in pursuing a career as peer support facilitators to embrace this transformative training. By doing so, they will contribute to making Ontario and Canada more inclusive, ensuring that the needs of BIPOC and ACB individuals are recognized and addressed, particularly in the realm of mental health.

CWCLN remains open to collaborative efforts and partnerships aimed at decolonizing training and creating a more equitable mental health landscape.

For those seeking additional information or wishing to book this vital training, please contact CWCLN via email at or call the CWCLN office at (613) 204 4846. A member of our team will be in touch with you promptly.

Together, we are shaping a brighter, more inclusive future.

About Canadian Women of Colour Leadership Network:
The Canadian Women of Colour Leadership Network (CWCLN) is committed to promoting and celebrating the leadership, accomplishments, and contributions of women of colour in Canada. Through advocacy, education, and empowerment, CWCLN strives to create a more equitable and just society for all. For more information, please visit